So today in class, we discussed chapter 3 involving the cycles of the sky. Therefore, some of the topics touched upon would be eclipses. So we learned the certain phases of solar eclipses, and lunar eclipses and all that good stuff.
Well, at the end of the session, we had a workshop and one of the girls sitting behind me decided to get help from me. Naturally, I don't mind, but man I hate beauty with no brains. She was really cute, funny, but a total dumbass. I hate girls; people, really... who question me when I know I'm absolutely right.

We were on the question that asked something along the lines of, "During a lunar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?"
A) Summer solstice
B) Winter solstice
C) Full Moon
D) New Moon.
If you guys know your astronomy, it's C. I'll go into why in a moment, but let me tell you the story.
We were on the question, and we answered all of it quickly. By we, I mean, I. She... I'll call her Linda, just copied and asked me petty questions.
"What school do you go to?"
"Where do you live?"
"What are your hobbies?"
"Where did you get your shoes?"
Goddamn! You're pretty cute and all... BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP. GEEK MODE ON OK?!
Anyways, when we reviewed our answers, she had the audacity to state, "You're wrong here."
Excuse me? Not only did I answer all the questions, but YOU DARE QUESTION MY ASTRONOMY KNOWLEDGE?! Woman, I read astronomy books for FUN. FUN! OK! Anyways, I ask which one and she points to the question above, and I give a hearty laugh: hands on the belly; back arched at a 36 degree angle; nostrils arched up.
"How? It's a full moon."
"No, it's a new moon, see? I wrote the notes down"
"No, I assure you, that's not what professor meant, and you copied it wrong."
"You know what? You're pretty cute, but you're really stupid."
WTF SHE JUST CALLED ME STUPID?! Woman, you were copying off of me, and you call me stupid?
We argue back and forth about this, and she just has to keep like, positioning her body so that her breasts are literally exposing themselves to my eyes. Great view, sure... but this is a fucking astronomy class, cover yourself up... goddamn!
Ok readers... this is why she's absolutely stupid.
The question asked us when a lunar eclipse occurs during the moon phase.
Think about it, a LUNAR ECLIPSE. So if you break it down "Barney" style.
You get LUNAR
(Using deductive reasoning is amazing, isn't it?)
Lunar = moon
and eclipse. WHICH WOULD MEAN... you would see the MOON, getting eclipsed. RIGHT?!
I mean, I may not be a fucking rocket scientist, but holy shit you cannot tell me that did not make sense.
A LUNAR... ECLIPSE. A NEW MOON... is when the Moon is positioned between the sun and the earth, therefore the light reflecting from the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth, meaning you can't see the moon at ALL.
During the FULL MOON.. you can see the moon because it is positioned behind the Sun and the Earth respectively, and therefore, the light reflecting off of the moon is visible.
A Lunar eclipse, total, mind you, occurs when the moon passes through the umbra of the Earth's shadow, which would mean that the MOON is visible before it GOES INTO THE UMBRA SHADOW THAT THE FUCKING EARTH CASTS GODDAMNIT!
So I kindly informed her of the goddamn truth and let bygones be bygones. She shut up after that.
I didn't want to give her my number. I don't allow unintelligent people to call me.