Thursday, December 10, 2009

Haven't met you yet.

I'm not surprised
Not everything lasts
I've broken my heart
So many times, I stopped keeping track
Talked myself in, I talked myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down

I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought I thought of every possibility

And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work so we could work to work it out
And I promise you kid that I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So... now I'm officially a brother of Alpha Kappa Psi.

Looking back on everything.. it has honestly been one hell of a journey.

I'm just so glad that it's over -- pledging that is. I fell so far behind my classes that I'm in recovery mode right now.

Honestly, I'm really glad that I went through with this. I've always wanted to be part of a fraternity, and to finally experience it first hand and finishing it - being in a leadership position as well - opened my eyes so much. I've gained so much from everything, from polishing my leadership skills, professionalism skills, and teamwork abilities.

I've gained amazing friends throughout this semester and have done so much more this semester than the last two combined. I'm.. just extremely grateful for everything and for everyone.

There's not really much else to say other than telling all my other readers to consider joining a fraternity or an organization in school. College is different than high school, it's not about being popular or whatever... you have to GO OUT on your own and join an organization that will help you become more involved. And going to SJSU which is a mainly a commuter school, it just made me feel 100% better knowing I didn't just go to school and home.. I felt as if I belonged.

That's why I encourage people to consider joining an organization. It's not about getting new friends or any of that.. it's about developing yourself, getting to know yourself and your limits, and well.. I guess getting a "life".

I was so close to deployment that I dreaded the end of pledging, but after finding out that I'm no longer going, I can finally look forward to the future. I just hope I do well.

Thanks to everyone for putting up with me. Let's make these last few weeks count.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm disgusted at how my vocabulary is.

I need to stop saying, "that's gay". Because I can seriously hurt someones feelings.







Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Heart breaker.

I hate to admit it... but you've grown on me. I'm just gonna say it flat out. I really miss you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So like... I'm VP of my pledging class.

Second in command again!

Since Jr. year I've been second in command. LOL

YES. All the work falls on me! S.O.B.!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Janelle and I had a really good talk today - via Facebook chatting - about relationships.

She popped a question about why I wasn't in a relationship now.. and to be quite honest, I didn't know how to answer.

Am I refusing to be in a relationship?

Am I actively looking?

Single? Ready to mingle?

Or do I just don't give a crap?

I really don't know. But it just feels lonely. I'll be the first to admit that being single has it's highs and lows. And the lows surely do suck. When 80% of your friends are in relationships you begin to wonder what the hell is wrong with you.

Like the bridesmaid whose friends have all wed except her, I feel her pain and her inquiries.

I sure do have a sour spot for girls. I tend to be overcritical of them, and I tend to hold them in poor light. It's hard to come by brains and beauty is what I told Janelle... it really it. I want to have a down to earth gal who could care less about the things I do - though to a certain extent of course.

I've been watching a lot of Korean drama's lately, and one that struck me hard was a particular one where the hero didn't get the girl, his best friend was able to walk away with his "angel". And it seems as if I'm always dealt the poor hands. Like, recently, playing Poker online is total bullshit! I have been getting shitty ass hands, and I think it reflects my relationship with my friends.

I don't know what it is, but this summer feels as if I'm losing more than gaining, though I may be losing the fake friends and gaining real friendships. As many before me have said, "You find out who your real friends are through shared interests." That's definitely true. But does that leave out spontaneous relationships? Does that leave out the opposites attract law?

As I'm becoming more indulged with myself such as working out more often, pursuing military ideologies, and striving to become more bookwormish, I have lost many friends... and of course, potential girlfriends.

Talking to Janelle sort of opened my eyes. I'm extremely flirty... but I'm afraid of commitment... really? For once, my smart mouth didn't have a response. Because it's true. Why am I so afraid of commitment? Am I afraid of being hurt? Am I afraid of taking chances? One exercise that was recommended was that when I passed by a really cute looking girl, I should lock eyes and give a smile...

Though, that seems like an impossible task. Because the instant I spot a above-average looking girl, I immediately shy away (WOW! ME?!) and diverge my gaze elsewhere. This could reflect upon my views on relationships. I tend to shy away from commitment or even perhaps going beyond the whole 'dating' classification.

Truth be told, I don't want to date multiple girls to try to find the right one. I swear one day, this girl I'm talking about so much will pop out right under me... or perhaps I should stick to watching Wongfu videos. Hey? Who knows? I might star in my own exclusive role as the hero.

I consider myself a Nice Guy, with the emphasis on the 'ICE' part of Nice. Because man, I am DAMN COLD to girls. Haha... I'm going to make a pact with myself right now... come Fall semester, I'm going to try MY BEST to find someone. Whether she is miss perfect or not. I'm determined to put myself out there. I love meeting new people, and I love conversating with people.

To boil this down to a point.

Hello Ladies,

My name is Alan Duong, I am 19 years young, I love to...

Well, to be honest. I love you.

And in other words, darling, kiss me.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Breakfast at Tiffany's!

No, not really. This is my new passion. Maybe I should've done cross country and more running events in track. I'm averaging a good 5-6 minutes a mile now.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Misguided... Obnoxious??

I told a friend (or someone I thought was a friend) that she - we'll call her Hi-C - that in a certain picture she was performing something incorrectly.

Being the person I am, I noticed how the picture caption mentioned that Hi-C had "learned" a certain skill. Now that's all handy dandy right? But I took a closer look at the picture, and it was obvious something was wrong. So I straight up left a comment on that picture that stated what was wrong, and why. As you all know me, I'm extremely sarcastic, but in all of my sarcasm, I put out valuable information.

However, it turns out that Hi-C woke up on the wrong side of the bed and perhaps didn't take my "educating" lightly. People, seriously, when I pass out information, I'm not doing it to be a dick, I'm doing it so you can improve on your game! Jesus Christ lord heavens!! Hallelujah!!

So, I wanted to share a bit of the conversation with my viewers because it is absolutely hilarious. Of course I will block out the name because I believe in personal privacy.

GRR I'M ANGRY: -_- so you dont have to be so obnoxious.
bletof6 (8:50:48 PM): obnoxious?
bletof6 (8:50:49 PM): LOL
bletof6 (8:50:55 PM): being informative is obnoxious?

So this is when I couldn't stop laughing. Being informative to someone is being obnoxious? Let's look at a few definitions here shall we?

1. highly objectionable or offensive; odious: obnoxious behavior.
2. annoying or objectionable due to being a showoff or attracting undue attention to oneself: an obnoxious little brat.
3. Archaic. exposed or liable to harm, evil, or anything objectionable.
4. Obsolete. liable to punishment or censure; reprehensible.

From our very own

Now let's work on the first definition which states that...

1) obnoxious is highly objectionable or offensive.

Alright, so let's start breaking down the first definition here. I told Hi-C that her bridge was wrong, she shouldn't have used that certain bridge because of the cue positioning, and many other reasons that justified why I would even begin to possibly place that suggestion to her.

So, the definition clearly states that I would have to be highly objectionable or offensive. So let me ask you this my readers, is informing someone THROUGH a picture comment offensive? Sure I placed my criticism on the reasons why NOT to use a certain bridge, but I followed it up with reasons why not to use it, and possible solutions. So am I wrong to suggest a better and more efficient way of playing a game?

Because, shit... If I am, God kill us all! For we have all sinned! Especially personal trainers, oh my god, even professional athletes.. and may I say it? Perhaps our own parents have failed us! Albeit the information was posted -or rather queued for approval - on a public website. Whose to say it had to be highly offensive and objectionable?

Poor taste? O.k. let's break that down. Poor taste... ok. So, let's assume a friend of yours posted a picture of something you... for lack of a better word... are somewhat of an expert at. Hm? And you witness your friend... let's say posting a picture of their golf swing and you see this and are totally appalled.

Being the friend you are... you'd like to see them correct that, no? Would it be poor taste to post a comment offering constructive criticism TO A FRIEND? And be considered poor taste? You answer that question ladies and gentlemen.

Moving on to the second definition

2) annoying or objectionable due to being a showoff or attracting undue attention to oneself: an obnoxious little brat.

Once again, let's break this down ladies and gentlemen. Pulling from the previous example, am I SHOWING OFF? or attracting undue attention to myself by saying "hey, you're doing this wrong, here's why, and possible solutions"

That's being a showoff and attracting undue attention to oneself? If that's the case, what about coaches criticizing your performance? your attitude? your every goddamn move? Oh, O.K., some of you might argue that "that's their job"... hm, O.K., instead of me ripping your heads off and skull fucking you, I'll offer another insight to this dilemma.

So, if someone's job title doesn't say "coach" or something similar to that, if they offer constructive criticism or even a remote sense of correction, they're obnoxious? If that's the case, the word "peer" and "criticism" shouldn't even belong in the same universe! Sure, I know I'm not an expert at shooting pool, but I AT LEAST know that there are correct bridge positions you should use in certain situations. And because I offer criticism that's nowhere near insulting, that's considered obnoxious? I mean, am I selling myself here? Or is this a good time to tell me my parents are dead?

Again, I offered criticism on something I was familiar with. Nowhere in that comment did I say something like, "you suck at life, you can't play get the fuck out". I told her exactly how I would have told anyone. "You're doing it wrong, here's why, and here are possible solutions". Of course, in my own manner... which comes off in a very frank mannerism; and that's just me.

3) Archaic. exposed or liable to harm, evil, or anything objectionable.

Really? Need I say more? You're kidding me right?

4) Obsolete. liable to punishment or censure; reprehensible.

O.K. this is absolutely ridiculous. So me giving Hi-C a statement of constructive criticism is obsolete? I'm liable for punishment or censorship? And I thought we lived in a 1/3 free world society here!!!

Alright ladies and gentlemen, I think I've broken it down quite a lot here. I mean I had to tell Hi-C how ridiculous her accusations were. I mean, calling my statement obnoxious? I had to ask her if she was just pulling words out of her ass to throw insults at me... she claims no, and that I had to get a life.

Hm... well, gosh darnit. She made my day absolute terrible, horrible, no good, and very bad!!! And that's a lot!!


P.S. Hi-C, if you read this, and are extremely angry at me for posting this. I hope you know that I kept this private. Just for your sake. You're probably telling me to get a life and blog about something else rather than people. To be honest, I'm not blogging about you, because you are absolutely immature at the moment.

P.S.S. You may say me blogging is more immature. Perhaps, but I'll leave the judgment of your character out of this and just analyze what you said to me directly... which was the obnoxious part. However, if I did infact attack your character, please do tell me and I will perform seppuku to ensure that you still posess your "dignity"... or what's left of it anyways.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

You're beautiful.





Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bruno, views on gays.

Well, tonight, I finished watching Bruno with Tommy and Peewe and to be honest, the film was not very "fascinating", more or less, it was just pure shtick humor... however it was ingeniously hilarious. Anyone who watched Borat and found that extremely funny, will find this movie even more hilarious. So please, take the time to watch it, it's great.

My review won't really be on the movie itself, but the content it was based around.

The Gay Issue:

So obviously, Bruno is gay, and to be honest, this movie is

So please let me explain why. My reaction to the whole "gay" thing is that... well obviously Bruno is gay, and he does "gay" things, so to speak... but like the stereotype of Borat, like any stereotype... and well it is what it is.

This is probably because I've lived in California my entire life with small blocks of it being spent in the South.

I didn't find that him doing "gay" things I.E. enjoying sex with men were the main projection of the movie. I found Bruno to be weird not because he was gay... but because he was JUST WEIRD.

I mean, he was wrapped up in this idea of being famous throughout the world and his never-ending stride towards that goal. I mean, Adidas does say Impossible Is Nothing... but we seriously have to look at reality here... Bruno.

You know, him (Bruno) being gay was only a small part of the movie, the vanity of the man -- the idea that it's all about him and his strive for stardom, his thirst for attention.. you know, that's what he values more than anything in his life... that's what the movie's all about.

Even the fact that Bruno finds homophobic people and he manipulates that in a weird way plays on things... you know even more than Borat.

Such as when Borat is in that rodeo and was saying so many things that were so extreme about America that upset people, you know like saying things "anti-American".. and the idea was just less complexed in the movie Bruno like the UFC match where everybody is tearing their heads off and shouting how they love being heterosexual and turning it into a gay event. Because the whole process of professional fighting/wrestling is so freaking gay, you know it's a bunch of overbuilt men in tiny little trunks throwing themselves ontop of each other in some choreographed dance.

To take a look at this in another light, all of these stereotypes of gays and their "activities"... are just typified in these so-called "heterosexual" hobbies! That's the interesting irony of it all.

America is so tied up on how they perceive the "gays" that they really forget how hypocritical they are, especially the way they "claim" gays act.

The bottom line of the movie is... it's not ANTI-GAY.. in my opinion it's really just bringing light to an issue that's often shunned upon. And really, the idea of the movie is to really put the shock factor into the audience you know? Hoping the audience will ask themselves "did he actually do that shit?"

Because Sacha Baron's goal is to shock people with crazy antics, just look at his movies!

Overall, I highly recommend this movie to everyone, it's just straight schtick humor.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


So today I finally finished the first step of lowering my car... finally purchasing some coilovers. I've been talking with this dude for the past week trying to bargain for the best possible price.

I find myself really careful with buying stuff. When I want something purchased, I seriously give it a good 2-3 weeks to analyze the pros and cons and such and such...

I'm way too conservative with my money.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

So Far

So... I just got another epiphany.

I need more diverse friends.

I am tired of having friends who bail out, shut out, forget, ditch, and so many other words I do not have the time to type.

I am tired of having friends who are all in relationships... because it sucks when I'm the only one who doesn't have a significant other, but everyone else does. Because they automatically qualify for "time well spent"

It never really occurred to me because I'm usually so damn busy to hang out on a regular basis... as if there were anything to do anyways. But I need to get new friends because I'm so damn tired of being disappointed by people.

This camping trip that I'm planning? I'm going to cut down the invitation because I know people will bail on me the last minute, and to be honest... I'm not surprised anymore.

Every time someone calls me or IMs me or texts me saying - along the lines of - "Sorry I can't go" I don't even flinch anymore. I'm so fucking used to everyone bailing out it's ridiculous. Either they're too lazy, or too exhausted, or just plain don't give a fuck about anything. Albeit, I may not notify you guys a week beforehand.. BUT WHEN I DO... it's a no-go.

Now friends with significant others, I don't blame you guys. Have all the fun you guys want, I have nothing against you guys except the fact that you guys are happy, and I'm not. Let this be known:


and in general, relationships, because it fucks me in the ass so many times i've become immune.

My family isn't doing shit, my sister has her boyfriend, my mom has work.. and my dad... is just being dad.

This is a pure rant, so I dont expect any backlash when I say I fucking hate my friends. Scratch that, I don't really have friends, I'm more of like the after-thought of "Oh hey, let's invite Alan" or "Are you going to Alan's thing? Nah"

Middle finger, and cheers. Friends? What friends? I mostly see people who seem as if they don't give a fuck.

Granted, this is 4th of July... some of you may not consider this big.. but I do. I've missed 4th of July 3 years straight, I've yet to spend quality time with friends because of the Army, or summer school.. and obviously 4th of July is a huge event in America, so you'd expect someone to come with a tentative plan.

Yet... when shit hits the fan, people go running away with their heads cut off. Plans broken, promises laughed at... it's disgusting what can happen. I'm so damn annoyed by the fact that most of the friends I considered friends, are not friends at all, in fact, I consider them acquaintences. It's fucking ridiculous!

I've missed so many chances to be with my friends, yet when I'm finally home and able to participate, it feels like a fucking joke!

I hate to bring this up as well, but the reason why I cherish American holidays so much is because of the fact that I'm in the military, and I HATE.. ABSOLUTELY HATE to pull this card out. But I like celebrating the fact that I will eventually play a part in this celebration, and to have my friends brush it off, or pass it as a insignificant notion of 'who gives a fuck', it's so fucking retarded.

I don't want to get drunk
I don't want to party and play beer pong

I want to celebrate things as they were meant to be celebrated! I hate being invited to parties where all of my friends drink... because I don't drink.

I can't believe I'm going to celebrate my first 4th of July home in 3 years... at home. literally. But you know what? I feel so damn optimistic, I'd rather go somewhere alone than hang out with "friends" as if they were able-body to attend anyways.

To boil this down to a point. Fuck friends. Because honestly, I feel as if in this day and age, finding real friends is trying to find gold in your kitchen sink. It's impossible.

Perhaps I have this all wrong, and maybe I am the problem? Maybe no one wants to hang out with me because of my attitude? Well, if that's the case, I fully accept that, and will gladly move on to other opportunities to meet new friends. Although, I'm pretty sure my new friends, if I were to ever find any... would fuck me in the ass as well.

So I currently have a HUGE animosity against people who consider themselves my friend, because it's bullshit. Though, you may say to yourself that I'm not worth having as a friend, that's fine, but fuck you.

Asshole. Happy 4th of July everyone! Please be safe today.


So... I had an epiphany.

I need better friends.

Kinda like the ones that don't bail out on you all the time. Time to walk the road to discovery.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Astronomy geek

People that may know me... know that I LOVE astronomy.

So today in class, we discussed chapter 3 involving the cycles of the sky. Therefore, some of the topics touched upon would be eclipses. So we learned the certain phases of solar eclipses, and lunar eclipses and all that good stuff.

Well, at the end of the session, we had a workshop and one of the girls sitting behind me decided to get help from me. Naturally, I don't mind, but man I hate beauty with no brains. She was really cute, funny, but a total dumbass. I hate girls; people, really... who question me when I know I'm absolutely right.


We were on the question that asked something along the lines of, "During a lunar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?"

A) Summer solstice
B) Winter solstice
C) Full Moon
D) New Moon.

If you guys know your astronomy, it's C. I'll go into why in a moment, but let me tell you the story.

We were on the question, and we answered all of it quickly. By we, I mean, I. She... I'll call her Linda, just copied and asked me petty questions.

"What school do you go to?"
"Where do you live?"
"What are your hobbies?"
"Where did you get your shoes?"

Goddamn! You're pretty cute and all... BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP. GEEK MODE ON OK?!

Anyways, when we reviewed our answers, she had the audacity to state, "You're wrong here."

Excuse me? Not only did I answer all the questions, but YOU DARE QUESTION MY ASTRONOMY KNOWLEDGE?! Woman, I read astronomy books for FUN. FUN! OK! Anyways, I ask which one and she points to the question above, and I give a hearty laugh: hands on the belly; back arched at a 36 degree angle; nostrils arched up.

"How? It's a full moon."
"No, it's a new moon, see? I wrote the notes down"
"No, I assure you, that's not what professor meant, and you copied it wrong."
"You know what? You're pretty cute, but you're really stupid."

WTF SHE JUST CALLED ME STUPID?! Woman, you were copying off of me, and you call me stupid?

We argue back and forth about this, and she just has to keep like, positioning her body so that her breasts are literally exposing themselves to my eyes. Great view, sure... but this is a fucking astronomy class, cover yourself up... goddamn!

Ok readers... this is why she's absolutely stupid.

The question asked us when a lunar eclipse occurs during the moon phase.

Think about it, a LUNAR ECLIPSE. So if you break it down "Barney" style.

You get LUNAR
(Using deductive reasoning is amazing, isn't it?)

Lunar = moon
and eclipse. WHICH WOULD MEAN... you would see the MOON, getting eclipsed. RIGHT?!

I mean, I may not be a fucking rocket scientist, but holy shit you cannot tell me that did not make sense.

A LUNAR... ECLIPSE. A NEW MOON... is when the Moon is positioned between the sun and the earth, therefore the light reflecting from the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth, meaning you can't see the moon at ALL.

During the FULL MOON.. you can see the moon because it is positioned behind the Sun and the Earth respectively, and therefore, the light reflecting off of the moon is visible.

A Lunar eclipse, total, mind you, occurs when the moon passes through the umbra of the Earth's shadow, which would mean that the MOON is visible before it GOES INTO THE UMBRA SHADOW THAT THE FUCKING EARTH CASTS GODDAMNIT!

So I kindly informed her of the goddamn truth and let bygones be bygones. She shut up after that.

I didn't want to give her my number. I don't allow unintelligent people to call me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Sch- FUCK YOU

I didn't get in summer school.

I blame myself.

Was supposed to wake up at 7.
Woke up at 7:50

how? No idea. my alarm clock sucks. Traffic was a bitch.. it was horrendous. parking was fucking stupid.

If a sign says restricted parking, are you going to fucking park there?! WHY DID EVERY FUCKING PARKING LOT HAVE RESTRICTED PARKING?!

And a small little note at the very bottom that says, "does not apply to summer school session"




It's ok...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...


Monday, June 15, 2009


Have you guys seen this commercial yet? The one where the lady loses her kid in the park???


This is creepy! LIKE REALLY!

What kinda way is this to sell batteries?!

Remember back in the day when commercials for batteries made sense?!

Anyways, this damn lady is like standing there in the park shouting, "KEVIN!??! KEVIN!!??!?!? HAS ANYBODY SEEN KEVIN!?!?"

She's standing there freaking out, and she pulls out this fucking thing and bam bam bam bam!

And here comes Kevin runnin out of the woods

And they're like, "DURACELL BATTERIES"

What the hell IS THAT?! I'm like, dude, the hell with the batteries, the hell was that thing she pulled out of her pocket?! you know?! how did kevin know to come out of the woods!?

He didn't have an antenna, his sneakers weren't glowing, he didn't have anything! What the hell was in Kevin, don't just show me that shit like it's normal!

That is some psycho new world order stuff!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Wow it's been a while since I've blogged, so I'm going to get right into this.

Thursday morning was perhaps the biggest FML moment I've had ever.

It began with a terrific dream, I was battling demons and fighting off dragon lords and whatnots, and to my dismay, the dream ended when I was killed -- not too surprising either.

What really bothered me was that before I died in my dream, Gandolf told me that I'd have the worst day of my life; well, with all due respect, prior to that day, I already experienced the worst day.

Eye infection caused by ALLERGIES.. shit man. It was Wednesday, I woke up, put my contacts on, got ready for a kick ass day at school debating and destroying foo's in "self-defense for women" HA. Well, that amazing day didn't occur because on my way to the light rail, Jesus decided it just wasn't my time and made me realize that I couldn't ignore the growing pain in my eyes.

My right contact began to dry up extremely quick after it had been stinging like a son of a gun and it started to ride up my eyeball. And to be quite frank, I tried to convince myself that I could still go to school and it would eventually get better. HELL TO THE NO.

Shit man, my contacts were stinging so bad I cried - not that it's shameful - I felt like shit when I realized this would offically be my first day missing a college class session due to sickness... and what was the sickness? Allergies, ladies and gentlemen. FUCK.

ANYWAYS... back to my terrible Thursday morning that changed my perception of FML.

So, I woke up late, and after Gandolf told me the news and whatnot, I began to believe him - waking up late afterall is another pet peeve.. sleeping in, isn't.

Anyways, so after getting my business done at home I dashed towards the VTA station. I eventually ended up stopping at the crossroads of Senter and Capitol and I really had to make a huge decision on whether or not I should continue down Capitol, or go down Senter to drive straight to school... I took the former. STUPID MISTAKE

When I finally reached the VTA, my clock read 7:03, which meant that the train would have arrived in a minute. So in the midst of grabbing my junk from the trunk (hehe) I... uh..

I really don't know if I want to write this but..

I LEFT MY KEYS... in the keyslot of my car............ STUPID MISTAKE.

And if you aren't shaking your head at this moment, PLEASE do so. Because I actually looked at my keys before I grabbed my junk and mentally told myself, "Oh it's fine, it's faster if I just grab my stuff first AND THEN get my keys." WHO SAYS THAT?! Oh... I do... please, slap me now.

Anyways, I'm making a mad dash for the stairs to reach the VTA, and all I can hear is my heart pumping and my adrenaline running through my veins as I Rockyesque my ass up the stairs.

*Thud is all I hear as I reach the top of the stairs...

Oh shit.. it's fucking leaving!

I huff my shit out and sprint my way towards the train and begin to plead desperately for them to open their doors to let me in, and after a few seconds of destroying anything left of my pride, the operator opens the door to a very unset group of people who had to wait an additional 10 seconds before take-off, CMON PEOPLE.

While I was on the train, I noticed a really cute girl eye-balling me. Whether she was checking me out, or still fuming over the fact that she's now 10 seconds behind schedule, I'll leave it up to fate.

Well, being the entertainer, I began to fiddle with my pockets trying to look cool, and in the process, I feel that my phone fits fine in my right pocket which is absurd because it usually has to go through a gagglefuck of keys.

Don't tell me... someone jacked my keys, but how?! Where?! WHEN?!!? OH SHIT... I LEFT IT IN MY CAR..KEY SLOT. SHIT!!!!!

And in two seconds, I go from looking cool, calm, collect, and suave to a broken man.

How could I do that to Cherry... I might as well spit on her and rub feces on her for what I've done...

I really had to decide whether or not I should go to class and finish the in-class essay then head back to my car.. or just take a trip back get the keys and drive straight to school to take the essay... I chose the latter. Somewhat stupid mistake.

Well, I decided to get off at the convention center and catch the train back... HOWEVER, when I got off, the train to return was just about to take off! SO... I did what I had done earlier! I ran towards the train and began begging and pleading for the operator to feel sorry for me and open up the doors... but NOPE!!!

Which meant that I had to wait an additional 15 minutes for the next train to take my sorry ass back to my car - which hopefully hasn't been broken into yet. SIGH...

Well, at this point, I call Kathy to see if she's already at the station and if she could grab my keys for me...

But this is what happened. Today, I decided to park in a new location, which meant that Kathy didn't know where my car was, since I usually park in the middle, but today I parked under trees so my car wouldn't be 1321890 degrees coming home... STUPID MISTAKE.

Kathy didn't see my car, and she was already on the train going to school! FUCK. SO that method didn't work, so I had to revert back to the original plan. After the train came I got on and waited patiently and plotted out my route to school.

Should I take highway 87 north? Or backtrack my way to 101 north?

I decided to take the former... STUPID MISTAKE..

When I got back to the parking lot Cherry was unharmed... thank god. I apologized verbally and told her I'd never do that again. I threw my stuff on the passenger seat and made my way towards 87 north, which was just around the corner, wouldn't take long, right?


That shit took at least 20 minutes just to get from that first light to the high way. Why? THERE WAS SO MUCH TRAFFIC.

What's worst? My car is manual transmission, and that hill leading up to the highway had it's signal lights on, and cars were just pouring in from every angle possible. Which meant that my car had to stop, go, stop, go, stop, go, stop, go on a very hilly road.

After that hurdle was crossed, I realized I wouldn't get anywhere close to SJSU if I stayed on the regular lanes, so I looked back, grabbed my best buddy Brian, and plopped him in the passenger seat, made my way to the carpool lane and jammed it.

Unfortunately, what happened is that when it got closer to the exit for downtown San Jose, these 5 BIG ASS TRUCKS were nut to butt and they closed off any possible means of merging into the exit. There was no shoulder to stop and wait, and cars behind me weren't happy that I slowed down to 45 MPH... so I had no choice but to go take the next exit, bust a bitch and take the exit from the other side.

WELL, not only was the next exit about 5 minutes away... but there was a fucking accident right inbetween the entering lane and the exit lane which was just a U-turn away! DKJASJdaklj

SO... it took me 7 minutes for a trip that would only take a minute crawling. I was seriously RIGHT THERE. RIGHT THERE FROM THE EXIT.

AND IT TOOK ME 7 FUCKING MINUTES just to go from my position... to make A SIMPLE U-turn! and the bitches from the other side taking the right of way exit were just laughing at the people trying to bust a bitch. FUCK! MAN

After that, I finally made it onto 87 south and finally made it to the exit, and I realized that I had to start on San Fernando and make my way up to 10th street garage, which was close to the Business Center where my class was. What's so hard about that?

I don't know, except that I GOT STOPPED AT EVERY SINGLE LIGHT. And every single light automatically threw up it's crossing timer even though there were no pedestrians crossing....

Again, another 10 minutes to get to the garage.

After that... I went up to my usual parking spot, and of course it was crowded, and I couldn't find any fucking parking! The time was like 8:10 at that time, which meant I had about 30 minutes to write a full essay... THUG LIFE!!!

After finding parking, I grab all of my stuff, and put my permit on my dashboard and run towards school as if my fucking life depended on it.

After reaching BBC, and running up the stairs, I looked like complete trash and felt extremely light-headed from all of that rushing and hustling. I stop at the corner to pretty myself up for 17 minutes left to finish an entire essay and brace myself for the essay.

My arms are heavy, my legs are heavy, my heart is racing like crazy, and my eyes are beginning to black out.

I turn the corner with my backpack swung over one shoulder, looking cool, calm, collect, and suave... and my heart breaks.

"Sorry class has been cancelled for blah blah blah"

I couldn't read anymore.. my eyes began to water, and my throat clogged up.

What the.. what.. what what in the world just happened to me? I... I feel so damn lost and confused and... who the fuck am I?! Who am I anymore?!?!?!

I couldn't believe what the fuck just happened to me. WHAT FUCKING KARMA DO I HAVE?!?! I have done all that I can to please everyone, and WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!?!!??!?!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm a space geek.

I get very excited when a new planet is discovered.

From and Yahoo featured.

Great, great, great story. I think this summer after I finish my annual training for the military, I'll take astronomy at EVC.


I shall continue this post next time. My eyes are not allowing me to focus.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Formal, not.

My break is coming to a screeching halt.

Pros? Cons?

Pros... hm... I can finally get back to school and get back to work. I don't know what has happened to me... but I'm aching to get my hands on homework... WHAT?! No I'm not! But.. I am.. No.. NO I'M NOT!


SLEEP... I've been sleeping late and waking up late. Well, except Monday-Thursday, hehe, where I woke up every morning at 5 to hit the gym.

I'm not going to bother focusing on my grammar or intellect, I'm really exhausted right now.

I cleaned my room the other day.. which always happens to be a Wednesday, right? hahah. Ran through a box full of memories... memories.. hmmm. I reread my basic training letters, and I envisioned where I was during that time, rather interesting. The music that influenced my writing, the environment that molded my mind and thoughts. My heart has distended to incorporate a lot of emotions and "growing up"...

I haven't lost track of who I am. People throw insults at me, claiming that I aspire too high, or I am an effete snob with the ego the size of Jersey.

I ran across my Elementary School stuff... which I find extremely funny. Yannie, if you read this, let it be known that you looked extremely ridiculous back then, those buck teethes fooled me greatly... by the way, thanks for coming with me to Fremont you asscrack. You almost witnessed me getting knocked out.

Anyways, I wanted to extend my gratitude to the Falcon Battalion for maintaining the Principles Trophy. You all know how much it means to me that the trophy stayed with us. I'm glad to have been part of it all, and as the commanders devolved into the 09' commanders, and eventually the 10' co you have all shown great leadership, dedication, motivation, and heart. I'm proud of you all... and once again, THANK YOU...

As for spring break.. hmm. Could've been better. I spend most of my break doing homework, what can I say? I'm a nerd at heart. Played football, watched movies, had breakfast, brunch, lunch, linner, dinner, and plenty of midnight, or even "too-damn early" breakfast.

I wish I could've spent time with you. I wish I could've seen you more, that's what really bugged me this entire break. I hate what has happened between us... We were so damn close, and now it seems as if we live on different planets. Truth be told, my apodictic tone may sound pathetic right now... but I really miss you.

I left one final assignment to work on. Issue speech... I don't know what I want to talk about. I'm usually extremely confident in my words, demeanor, and grace.. but I feel as if I've fallen from that stature. My judgement do define my actions in a more neoteric manner, more modern, if you will. I won't say hi to you, if I don't know you... then again, how will I make friends? Hahahaha.

But I feel as if I'm overtly invidious of nobody. My expectations are either set too high, or my hopes are too low... What's wrong with me?

People... double standard.. double standard. Stop this FML epidemic. It has sweepe- No, it has swiffered the nation.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My, my darling.

I have a real nasty habit of not updating my blogs very often... I blame the endless amount of homework! In fact, I really should not be blogging, but I felt as if I've been out of the spotlight for a while, and it feels right to blog.

Well, it's Spring time! - What does that mean?!

ALLERGIES! YES!! I have a tendency to fall prey to the grips of death - literally, when it comes to allergies. I begin to lose self-confidence, and my motivation on certain things. This crap of a wreck on my body began Sunday night as I finished up the last few measure on my research paper and went to bed, only to wake every hour in agony. SIGH.

Well, I'd rather not blog about my sickness, because my health has not recovered from the degringolade that won't cease for quite a while.

Also, on Tuesday, my friends and I celebrated our two-week rendezvous at certain restaurants surrounding SJSU, and this time, it was at Flames restaurant RIGHT there within the 4th street garage... lovely.

Now that I have my update out of the way, I want to clear a path for my usual observations.

Today, I will address the issue of the use of the phrase, "No offense, but ______" Now, I was aware of this during an internship I attended at the King Library the previous week. I was grouped with my peers and all that good stuff. However, there was this blatant fool who pushed his intrusive agenda onto a collegium of students, who he embodied himself!

I must admit, I am well aware that I am a victim of this. I fully address my hypocrisy, but I am not going to truckle to that phrase anymore. I see through the inconsistencies of my words now, and I'm here to vindicate myself by discoursing my plan of action: I shall give a brief reason as to why the phrase, "No offense, but _____" is the biggest example of an arrogant, impudent son of a bitch - and I say that wholeheartedly.

Firstly, offenders must take into account what the context they are actually implying to the intended victim of their brash words.

Offenders begin by stating, "No offense", with their tone of voice trailing into a path to the dark side; therefore, they are setting a degree of upset towards the victim.

In addition, let me add that these offenders are the usual self-appointed gadfly of the local population; the vain friend who sticks in your group of friends because they enjoy the scission they create amongst the group - particularly annoyance!

Continuing on, the offender begins with a statement, and giving hint that an eventual contradiction is ahead of it's way.

Now, let's complete the hypocrisy. "No offense Nancy, but you are a complete bitch"

The majority of cases where this is the phrase thrown out, the evidence provided is completely absurd!

Take for example, Nancy is nominated for President of the Interact Club, but opponents of this nomination states, "No offense Nancy, but you are a complete bitch," which is an obvious case of the fallacy of non sequitur - in that it does not follow!

Think hard about what they are REALLY implying to the victim.

I) "No offense" - There is no offense, Nancy.

II) "You are a complete bitch" - Nancy, you are a complete female dog, thus, a bitch.

Look at what the context is really saying. The first point establishes the fact and reason that there will be no offense given, correct? The second point completely backlashes the potentially friendly connotation of the first point.

You may then say, 'but wait Alan, the word 'but' is used!' And you are correct, consider yourself a luminary achiever.

The word 'but' is put into action to deter the direction of language. However, the wording, the phrase is packed with such strong language.

They are saying, "No offense Nancy, but you are a complete bitch" What are they saying? No they are not remorseful, because they said, no offense, correct?

In all, they are implying, don't take offense, Nancy, but you are a complete bitch. Yes, they said no offense, BUT they just called her a bitch. How is Nancy not to take offense to this?

They are trying to assuage their context by insinuating their words were not meant to harm, yet were - and do! Do you readers begin to see the inconsistency of this? The offenders, by assumption, believe the persons they are about to "not offend" will understand their base of assumption - in that they will not take offense!

In other words, the offender solemnly believes that their own assumed understanding will coexist with the person they are about to offend!

What do we call these people, ladies and gentlemen? That's right!... Ignorant fools who claims their path to self-righteousness is their path to becoming the Messiah, and we are all beheld to this coming herculean knowledge!

So, "No offense Nancy, but you are a complete bitch" types of talk, do not cut it with me. These people are trying to pose their idealistic junk onto me, in that I should not take offense to whatever remark is about to come at me. Simply because THEY believe I should not take offense, does not mean I do not take offense, because they are attacking the very character I represent to the world, my peers, my friends, my family, and most importantly, myself.

So the next time someone says to you, "No offense, but you-," cut them off immediately, and briefly explain to them that just because they believe you should not take offense to something, does not mean you will not take offense.

It's time for everyone to stand up to those arrogant and immutable people who want to put you in your place. Don't let them, my readers. Then slap them forcibly, but not with physical force... no, but by SOUL force.

Because why?

Because Knowledge is power! Yay!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Testing 1, 2, 3, 4

Good morning, good afternoon, and good night.

It's time to take a bow people, it's time to stand your ground and plant your feet with your toes pointed forward.. I like to view myself as an optimistic person, I try my best to find the more proactive, if not better solution to any situation.

So this will be my first informal blog and switch from xanga to live journal to xanga to blogspot.

The next time someone judges you for your hobbies, do me a favor and give them a piece of your mind and fist.

I'm not sure if I'll have anyone follow my blogs as they have before, but in the case they do... i apologize for the informality and weak blog this is compared to my others. I passed out on my bed at 11, woke up at 3:40... and well, here I am.

Cheers everyone.